Almost two weeks ago at my monthly foster, domestic, international adoptive moms evening I met a mom who had adopted a four year old little boy four weeks prior to our meeting. She did not say much, in fact I think the whole evening she said maybe 17 words.

After nearly everyone else left, I learned her story. She couldn’t stand her child and did not want to keep him.

It happens. If your reading that in judgment you must not know anyone who has ever adopted anyone other than a baby. Ask anyone who has adopted an older child. AT SOME POINT in the beginning there will be moments when you wonder what you have done. Ask anyone who has been there that it was in those moments when they grew closer to the Lord, and it was in those moments when generations of family sin and being bound by the enemy are being broken into pieces. It is in those moments when a child who has likely never bonded or attached to anyone is lashing out in hopes for bonding and attachment, and it is in those moments when exactly that begins to happen.

This little guy, Chris has been in and out of foster care and then was placed back with his biological mom only to have her seven months later relinquish her rights to him and his two-year old brother and then drove him to this womans house. Can you imagine what this little guy felt? His two-year old brother is being adopted by someone else, so he just lost his brother. His entire four years of life have been filled with betrayal, people giving up on him and walking away, and feeling abandoned. Even four year olds have great perception.

So the ladies who were left committed to pray for him and this mom, Chris and that the Lord be glorified thru all of this.

Five days later we learned that his “adoptive” mom was giving him until Christmas and would be contacting CPS on December 26th to come and get him. Bill and I cried for him AND her (and family).

How heartbreaking that after four weeks, one could give up on a child that so desperately wanted someone to show him he had value and was loved.

How does he feel? And while I hate to admit it, how does she and her husband feel?

The Lord adopts us into His family without reservations. When we rebel and turn away from him, He is there with open arms welcoming us home. When we hurt, He is there. When we are angry, He hears our anger. When we rejoice, He rejoices with us. He wants us to draw nearer to Him. It is the perfect example of love and adoption.

Three of us are on a mission to fight for Chris! We are determined to make sure the enemy is not glorified and that the Lord would either break their hearts or put Chris in the perfect home where he belongs.

So I ask, will you fight for Chris as well? Will you pray that someone will step up who is ready to love like Jesus and who is ready to be blessed? Will you pray for his “adoptive” parents? Will you pray for Him?